Bagcrastination Yeah, it happens, but what to do when you've lost your sewjo.
You may have plenty of stash, or patterns waiting, but something is holding you back. Motivation, like a bad boyfriend has deserted you. You have lost your sewjo.
Unlike most motivation blogs, I am not going to tell you to:.
Go for a walk
Listen to music
Write down your goals
Plan a day in the future to start …and so on….
At the end of the day after your walk, your music etc. have you actually started sewing anything? No, probably not.
So I am going to share with you 3 easy steps to get back into sewing
Yes, I am going to share these with you.
But first....
What stops us from sewing
I'll walk you through some points from my perspective, which may or may not match with yours. Now, do any of these sound familiar?
Bag Block – the bag makers equivalent of writer’s block. You actually just don’t know what to sew and nothing seems to inspire you. This is not usually my problem but I hear it mentioned a lot, often by people who have already sewn a lot of bags. If and only if, this is your only problem, skip to: Skip to Reasons to sew another bag
Machine issues – perhaps your sewing machine was a bit “fussy” over the last bag you made. I try to take this as a learning experience and attempt to appease my machine by pandering to its demands to change feet and needles etc. at regular intervals when sewing fabric it’s not so keen on.
The dreaded tasks you don’t like
- Tidying that messy sewing room – us creatives can get soo carried away in the excitement of the process that we end up admiring our beautiful bag in the middle of war zone. Yep, somehow the thread that was thrown in the direction of the bin, didn’t quite make it.
- Pattern pieces requiring measuring and/or cutting. This can be daunting, but if you plan properly it needn’t be too bad. I am a good planner but patience is however required and” I want to start sewing now!!!!!!”
- Fusing interfacing. I used to hate this bit until I invested in a press, now it’s kind of fun playing with my new toy. Also using the right interfacing is key. Shameless product plug here – I love the Shape to Create.
- Dreading the birth- This is a common one I hear mentioned, but actually I quite enjoy this bit. It’s exciting to see what comes out and I definitely prefer it to my memory of helping our poor piggy when she was stuck in labour.
OK, so now I have bared my soul and I hear you say: “Nope, none of those are what’s stopping me”.
There are three other main things that can stop you from getting started on your bag and they are fear, perfectionism and procrastination.
Maybe you have a new pattern and you’re afraid it will be too difficult. You are afraid that you’re not skilled enough, your machine won’t cope, you’ll mess it up, you’ll waste material etc. Or your partner will say again: “What are you going to do with all these bags?” – Hmm that might be another episode to the story.
Let’s look at those one by one.
You’re afraid it will be too difficult:
A good place to start if you’re really scared is: Don't tell anyone that you are sewing it. That way you can reassure yourself that if it all turns to pants, (quaint English expression), no one will even know.
You are afraid that you’re not skilled enough: Don't be - most Facebook bag making groups are really supportive. You can say "I've not done this before and it's not going well-here's the problem. Advice please." You will get snowed under by help and support.
And not only will those generous souls help you but you are also doing a favour for all those other people out there who have the same issue,. They weren’t brave enough to ask – unlike you the Fearless Warrior Bag Sewist.
You might waste fabric.
True and this does happen sometimes, although I have only once had to put the whole thing in the bin.
One way to avoid wasting your treasured fabric, is to make it out of muslin or calico first even an old bed sheet will work. Sew it without the lining, to get a feel for the process. Leave off the hardware and interfacing even. Then when you've got your head around it make it with your chosen fabric.
Perfectionism is a double-edged sword
It can lead to more bagcrastination as doubt that you are not going to make the bag as perfectly as you would like to kicks in and you overthink how you are going to cut everything out and spend ages matching linings to outers, dallying over thread choice etc.
The other side is that your process and end result is likely to be better, perfectionism will keep you honest and you will be bothered to unpick the seam that is slightly puckered and re-sew it.
While being a bit of a perfectionist is not necessarily a bad thing, it is healthier to aim for an excellent result rather than a perfect one.
Common symptoms include: reading the instructions or watching the video tutorial multiple times and changing your mind on the fabric just as you are about to start.
These are avoidance techniques that can be triggered by any of the above things mentioned so far.
My 3 Step process to get your sewjo back
Step 1. Understand what bagmaking means to you
Step 2. Deal with the “Bad Boyfriend” Mastering motivation, and the magic solution to ensure it never deserts you again.
Step 3. Reasons to sew another bag
Step 1. Understand what bagmaking means to you
Grab a pen and write down your answers these questions:
- Why do you sew bags?
- Why did you start?
- What do you like about it/how does it make you feel
- What don’t you like about it?
- What do you get out of it?
If you’re stuck, some example answers can be found at the bottom of this post
Step 2 The magic Motivation Solution
Here’s the magic solution to the motivation equation, it’s really simple and you can apply it to any situation in life. You’ve possibly just been looking at it back to front:
Definition of Motivation = a reason to take action
Lack of motivation = lack of action
Action = motivation to perform more action
“We must remember we are not the sum of our intentions, but the sum of our actions” Brandon Burchard
So take a look at what has been holding you back, acknowledge it and move on.
Step 3. Reasons to sew another bag
Sew for an occasion.
Sew for a specific person.
Sew a gift.
Sew a thank you.
Finish a UFO
Sew a bag that YOU need
Sew to learn a new skill
Practice to bring your skills to a sellable level
Now if you've got this far you've proven dedication and passion for bagmaking - go and sew :)
Thank you for reading
Common answers to the questions above are below this image
- Why do you sew bags?
- Why did you start?
- What do you like about it/how does it make you feel
- What don’t you like about it?
- What do you get out of it?